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Kei Esmaeilpour
Engineering in Emergencies
Sat Apr 21 2018 09:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
The role of engineering in emergency situations around the world. Disaster & Emergencies, International relief system, Management, Environment (Health, Sanitation, Emergency Water Supply), Mechanical and Electrical plants, Vehicles, Roads, Air strips Camps, Shelters, Storage and Services.
New Delbrook Community Recreation Center - Maple Room 851 West Queens Road North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V7N
About the Speaker:
Kei Esmaeilpour, B.Sc. is an Instrumentation and Control Engineer(Iran), also educated in Medical Equipment and Project Management in Canada. Kei works with Canadian Blood Service in UBC as well as Doctors Without Borders (MSF) as Technical Advisor in Energy and Medical Equipment. He has worked with MSF since 2014 in Netherland, Brussless, Uganda, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Netherlands, Brussels, Swaziland and Jordan. He is currently working in construction, smart home and solar panel technology. Kei has awarded Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee Medal and the Meritorious Service Medal (Civil Division) which recognizes remarkable contributions in many different fields of endeavour, from advocacy initiatives and health care services, to research and humanitarian efforts in Canada.