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IEBCA 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Sat Nov 17 2018 22:30:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
IEBCA 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) and election for new board members is taking place on Saturday, Nov. 18th. Establish a Network of Engineers and Help Iranian Community: Being a board member provides the opportunity to plan and steer the organization's direction and events, and to connect with a wide range of professionals and industry leaders. IEBCA would like to thank all its BOD members especially the ones that their two-year term has come to an end for their contributions and making 2017-2018 another successful year for the association. IEBCA is encouraging all its eligible members to participate or nominate others for board election. Nominations are accepted until November 14, 2018. Please note that nominations are NOT accepted during the AGM. Please send your nomination (including your brief CV and a cover letter outlining how you would like to contribute to IEBCA) to Board members will attend the board meetings (monthly) in Vancouver for the planning and execution of the corporate activities. Overall, board members can expect to dedicate 5-10 hours a month. Five board members will be elected for 2018-2019 cycle to join the five existing recurred board members.
New Delbrook Community Recreation Center - Maple Room 851 West Queens Road North Vancouver, British Columbia V7N 4E3
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