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Mahmoud Mahmoud, PhD, PEng, FEC, FGC (Hon)
Global Earth Solutions (GES)
Infrastructure Asset Management for Sustainable Service Delivery
Sat Jan 27 2024 22:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Please join the Iranian Engineers of BC Association (IEBCA) in an informative in-person presentation from Global Earth Solutions (GES). The presentation is in English, and registration is required for attending the event.
The presentation, "Infrastructure Asset Management (IAM) for Sustainable Service Delivery," provides a comprehensive guide for local governments in British Columbia for managing infrastructure assets. Focusing on challenges like aging infrastructure and increasing service demands, IAM outlines a framework developed by Asset Management British Columbia. The approach integrates international best practices with local expertise, emphasizing sustainable service delivery and the balance of economic, social, and environmental considerations. It covers the entire asset lifecycle, from planning to disposal, and highlights the importance of community-focused decision-making, effective communication, and continuous improvement in asset management within functional teams. The presentation will end by reviewing a case study by way of an example that illustrates the effectiveness and value of IAM and its protocols.
The presentation will be preambled by Dr. Mahmoud, and there will be extensive input from Mr. Banizaman and Ms. Mazaheri.
Important Notes:
Please note that the event is free of charge; however, registration is required (RSVP above), as it helps us plan better for the event. Besides, due to COVID-19 still being around, by registering for the event, you agree that:
1- You, as a meeting attendee, confirm that you are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
2- You will refrain from attending the event, should you suspect that your attendance might impose any risk (e.g., due to COVID-19 matters) to the health of other attendees.
3- Meeting attendees are not required to wear a mask; however, should individuals prefer to wear a face mask, their choice is respected.
4- You waive or give up certain legal rights, including the right of suing IEBCA and its staff and volunteers for neglect, breach of contract or liability legislation or claim compensation following an accident or unexpected illness.
5- During the event, photos will be taken for the purpose of IEBCA's media, including newsletter, social networking platforms and reports. By registering for the event, you agree to release liability for IEBCA and its volunteers, including Board members, regarding the use of the photos.
2:00 – 2:15 pm – Check-in & Networking
2:15 – 3:00 pm – Introduction and Presentation
3:00 – 3:15 pm – Q/A Session
3:15 – 3:30 pm – Networking & Experience Sharing
Maple Room, Delbrook Community Recreation Center
851 W Queens Rd, North Vancouver, BC V7N 4E3
About the Speaker:
Mahmoud Mahmoud, PhD, PEng, FEC, FGC (Hon)
Global Earth Solutions (GES)
Mahmoud is President and CEO of GES Geotech Inc, with expertise in earth, environmental and forensic engineering, focusing on climate-resilient design, sustainable development, and environmental stewardship. Since 2020, Dr Mahmoud has been responsible for developing a number of Infrastructure Asset Management projects, including Montreal’s Champlain Bridge project, which during its construction was ranked as Canada’s largest civil engineering project.
In addition to his BSc Eng (Hon), MSc, and DIC, Mahmoud received a PhD in Geotechnical Engineering from University of London’s Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine in England, and later completed a BA (Honours) in Systems and Management Sciences at The Open University of UK.
Farhad B. Lari
Farhad is an Asset Management Specialist, and also has expertise in river engineering, and emergency risk management.
Elahe Mazaheri
GES Intern, Elahe is a second-year Masters student at the University of Milan, specializing in Environmental Changes & Global Sustainability. Elahe’s Bachelor's degree is in Chemistry.