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Our Story

The Iranian Engineers of British Columbia Association (IEBCA) was founded by a group of Iranian Engineers in October 2007 and incorporated under BC Society Act on January 16, 2009 as a "non-profit, non-religious, non-political, and independent professional organization".

"The idea to form a group and have IEBCA started in an afternoon walking an aisle in a Walmart store. I was moving slowly and searching for what I was looking for and suddenly one of the employees ran towards me. Turning towards her, I was surprised to see a familiar face. I have seen her before a couple of time in social gatherings and now with the Walmart blue work outfit standing in front of me.  My surprise was due to the fact that I knew she had a bachelor degree with a couple of years of experience and now working on minimum wage in an entry-level job. She told me that seems all doors are close to her as she does not know anyone. Seemed familiar issue for myself when I emigrated to Canada.  I called a couple of contacts and one helped her to go to UBC and get her Masters. She is now working in her profession and a successful citizen and giving back to our wonderful society. A simple incident showed me the power of forming a group.  A couple of months after, I found few people with similar ideas and the rest is history. During the last ten years, IEBCA has gone through many changes. We established a good relationship with EGBC (formerly APEGBC), tried to adopt their method of governance, kept the focus on Engineering free from our political background with emphasize on Networking, Networking, and Networking. There are still more to do, however, we, i.e. all our caring volunteers,  have planted a good foundation. As Elizabeth Andrew once said, " Volunteers do not necessarily have the time, they just have the hearts."  [Fari Ordubadi, Co-founder, March 2018]


on February 6th, 2009, a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) was signed between IEBCA and Engineering and Geoscientists British Columbia (EGBC,  formerly Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia). 

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