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Recent & upcoming events
IEBCA 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) and an EGBC Presentation on Professional Practice of Engineering and Geoscience in British Columbia for Individuals and Firms
Nima Moazen, P.Eng.
Iranian Engineers of BC Association
Ramin Seifi, P.Eng., FEC, MCIP, RPP
Engineers and Geoscientists BC
Sat Nov 23 2024 22:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

We strive to represent Iranian architects and engineers in British Columbia, enhance their contributions to the success of architectural and engineering professions in BC and Canada, establish contacts with other technical and professional organizations such as Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC) and Engineers and Geoscientists BC (EGBC), and provide other services for our members such as:
Creating means of networking among our members to meet each other, share their professional information and ideas, and to discuss technical subjects of mutual interest.
Organizing architectural-and-engineering-related technical presentations and other talks of general interest for our members and the general public in the form of seminars/webinars.
Organizing social networking events to create an environment for our members and their families to enjoy their leisure time together while expanding their network of connection.
Assisting Iranian engineers who are new to BC in adapting to their new environment, providing them with necessary information about Canadian and provincial laws regarding the architectural and engineering professions, and introducing them to Canadian culture at work place and assisting them with their job search.
Providing assistance to Iranian community and Iranian students attending architectural and engineering programs in BC universities.